I forgot my Instagram password, what should I do?” If you come across this question, there’s no need to worry. We have prepared an article where we walk you through the steps to change your Instagram password. In this guide, you will find the way to change your Instagram password, in the first days of this new year, using iPhone, Android and web applications.
You will make your Instagram experience more secure by going through the password changing process step by step, which is an important step in terms of account security. This post will share Instagram change password in 2024.
Instagram Password Reset Link With Phone Number (2024):
If you still cannot successfully change your password despite the above steps, you can use the Instagram password reset link for 2024 to change your account password. If Instagram gives an issue that something went wrong, you can write in our comments section. We will contact you and solution to the problem.
“Enter your email, phone, or username and we’ll send you a link to get back into your account.”
Instagram already provides you with an area like the one above. Now let’s move on to the details and will share how to change instagram password 2024:
1) Click on the link here to go to the password reset screen.
2) You will see the “Send login link” button.
3) After entering your email, phone, or username, you can recover your problematic account.
4) After clicking “Send link,” Instagram will provide the following notice: “We sent an email to mail with a link to get back into your account.” After this notice, you can change your password from your email.
How to Change Instagram Password 2024 (Easy Change Instagram Password Link Email)
There are users who want to change their account passwords by saying, “I forgot my Instagram password, and I don’t know my email.” These users should not forget that they can change their passwords with their phones. If your phone number is linked to your Instagram account, you can change your password more easily than using the email method. Here are the steps to change your Instagram password:

1) Open the Instagram app Play Store or Apple Store and tap on the profile icon in the bottom right corner.
2) To access the settings section, tap on the gear icon in the top right corner of your profile page.

3) Select the top menu “Security” option.
4) In the Security section, tap on the “Password” option.

5) After entering your current password, set a new password and tap on the “Save button” top right corner.

This is how you can quickly change your password.

Instagram Password Change 2024 (Android):
Changing your Instagram account password on Android devices is also a straightforward process.
1) Open Instagram app from your phone.
2) On the login page, tap on the “Trouble logging in?” option.
3) Enter your username, email, or phone number and click on the next button to follow the instructions.
Instagram Password Change 2024 (iPhone):
If you want to change your password on iOS and iPhone devices, you first need to have downloaded the app from the App Store and logged into your account.
1) Login page from Instagram app, tap on the “Forgot password?” option.
2) Enter your username or phone number and click on the next button to verify your email address.
3) If you don’t receive an email regarding the password change process, please remember to check your spam folder before deleting.
Remember, changing your password at regular intervals is important for your account security. You can further secure your account by using the two-factor authentication feature.