Friday, or Jumu’ah in Arabic, holds a special place in Islam. As it is considered the most blessed day of the week. For Muslims, Friday is not only a day of rest but also a day of worship, reflection, and community. Central to this day are the Friday prayers (Salat al-Jumu’ah) and the recitation of specific chapters from the Qur’an, known as Friday Surahs.
“O you who believe, when the call is made for prayer on Friday, then hasten to the remembrance of Allah and leave off trade. That is better for you if only you knew.” (Surah Al-Jumu’ah 62:9)
The Friday prayer brings together the Muslim community (Ummah) in mosques worldwide, fostering a sense of unity, shared spirituality, and brotherhood. It is also an opportunity to listen to the khutbah (sermon), which serves as a reminder of Islamic teachings, guidance on moral ethical issues, and an encouragement to maintain a strong connection with faith.
Surahs to Read on Friday
Let’s look at the surahs to be read on Friday.
Kahf Surah
This surah takes its name from the word Kehf, which means cave; It describes the salvation of the Companions of the Cave by taking shelter in the cave when they were about to be killed for their beliefs.
Translation of Surah al-Kahf
In the Surah al-Kahf, the Companions of the Cave are saved from being killed by the wisdom of Allah, Hz. The experiences of Moses and Dhul-Qarnayn and Gog and Magog are mentioned. In general, the sura gives the good news that those who do not believe in Allah will go to hell, and those who believe in Him will go to heaven.
What is reading Surah al-Kahf good for?
Reading this surah not only alleviates one’s inner troubles, but also helps one gain great reward in the sight of Allah. A person who witnesses God’s miracles renews his faith knowing that he is not alone when he is in trouble. When it is recited for wishes, one sees that the paths leading to these wishes come to one’s feet in a short time.
The Virtue of Surah al-Kahf
It is very virtuous to read Surah al-Kahf, especially on Friday. This surah, whose virtues have been confirmed by many hadith sources, emphasizes the necessity of taking refuge in Allah’s mercy and asking Him for everything.
Those who make it a habit to read this surah will see that the burden of their troubles and worries is eased and their heart is relieved. A person who reads this surah will be safe from the traps of those who want to deviate him from the path of Allah and will be protected from the evil of mischief makers.
He lives a peaceful and auspicious life in the way of Allah. It is most virtuous to read this surah on Friday night. Anyone who recites Surah al-Kahf while having ablution on Friday night will be rewarded for this in the afterlife and will be protected from the evil of the antichrist.
Surah Yaseen (Chapter 36)
Known as the “heart of the Qur’an,” Surah Yaseen is often recited on special occasions, including Fridays. This chapter speaks about the signs of Allah’s existence, the resurrection, and the mercy of Allah towards His believers. Although there is no direct hadith linking Surah Yaseen specifically to Friday, it is a surah filled with blessings, and many scholars encourage its recitation as part of the Friday spiritual routine.
Surah Al-Ikhlas, Surah Al-Falaq, and Surah An-Nas
These three short surahs are often recited together as they carry great spiritual benefits. Reciting them on Friday is a means of seeking protection from harm, evil, and afflictions.
Dukhan Suresi
“Whoever reads the Surah Duhan at night, seventy thousand angels will pray for forgiveness for him until the morning.”
Although two hadiths have been narrated to the effect of “Whoever reads the Surah Duhan on Friday night, his sins will be forgiven” (Tirmidhi, “Feżâʾilü’l-Ḳurʾân”, 8), it is understood that these and especially the second hadith are extremely weak. As a matter of fact, after mentioning the hadiths, Tirmidhi evaluated both of them as strange and drew attention to the defects of their narrations.
Zalzalah Suresi
Surah Zilzal basically talks about the terrifying situations at the time of the apocalypse. The sura begins with the statement that the earth will shake with a great earthquake and throw out the heaviness within it. It is also emphasized in the surah that the good and evil committed in this world will be rewarded or punished in the afterlife.
According to a hadith regarding the Surah Zilzal, a companion came to the Prophet and asked him to read the Quran to him. The Prophet told him to read the surahs starting with the concept of “alif lam râ'”, “hâ mîm” or tasbih, and the companion made excuses for each of them as “I am getting older, my heart has become troubled, and my tongue has become thick” and asked him to read a concise surah to him.
The Prophet made him recite the Zilzâl sura. When the Companion finished reading, he said, “I swear to Allah, who sent you as the true prophet, that I will not add anything else to this until the end of my life” and left. Thereupon Hz. The Prophet said: “This man has found the way to salvation, he has found the way to salvation.”
Hud Suresi
Hz. The Prophet points to the virtue of the sura by saying, “Read the Surah Hud on Friday” (Dârimî, “Fazâilü’l-Kur’an”, 17), and with his hadith, “The Surah Hud and its brothers made me grow old,” he points out a content that reminds us of heavy responsibilities.
The siblings of Surah Hud are stated as the surahs “Vâkıa, Hakka, Mursalat, Nabe’ and Tekvîr” in the continuation of the same hadith.
Surah Al-Mulk (Chapter 67)
Another highly recommended surah to recite on Fridays is Surah Al-Mulk. This chapter reminds believers of the greatness of Allah’s creation and His supreme power over the universe. It also emphasizes the importance of living a righteous life and preparing for the hereafter.
The subject of Surah Hud
Surah Hud is very similar to the previous Surah Yunus in terms of both style and content. In this surah, the existence and unity of Allah, the fact that His will is revealed through His prophets, and the appearance of the phenomenon of prophecy in past societies are discussed, and the stories of some prophets are given briefly in the Yunus Surah and in more detail here.
The stories of the prophets Noah, Hud, Salih, Abraham, Lot, Shuayb and Moses are told; Topics related to the miracle of the Quran, resurrection after death, accounting and the afterlife are included.
Rosaries to be Drawn on Friday
We have compiled the list of Rosaries to be Drawn on Friday for you.
All wishes of a person who chants “YA ALLAH” 100 times on Friday will be accepted.
The auspicious wish of a person who says “Ya Allah, Ya Hu” a hundred times before prayer on Friday will come true.
The person who recites “LA ILAHE ILLALAHÜ’L MELİKÜ’L HAKKU’L- MÜBİN” (200) times on Friday will be granted whatever he wishes by Allah.
If he says “YA DARR” Esma (100) times on Friday night, he will get rid of the trouble he has fallen into. If the poor and needy people continued this, they would benefit greatly.
A Muslim who recites the name “YA VELIYYÜ YA ALLAH” (1000) times on Friday will get everything he wants.
If one prays at any time on Friday: Lâ ilahe illa ente yâ Hannânü ya Mennânü yâ bedî’as semâvâti vel eder yâ zel Celâli vel İkrâm, its owner will definitely be answered.
The fortune of a single person who recites the name Yâ Bâis 1062 times during the Friday adhan will increase.
Those who say “O Rahman” a hundred times after the Friday prayer are saved from forgetfulness and heedlessness, and their hearts become enlightened.
Those who recite the name “Ya Gaffar” a hundred times after the Friday prayer will be granted forgiveness.
Whoever performs a two-rakat prayer on Friday night by reciting Surah al-Fatiha and Surah Iza Zulzila 15 times, Allah will protect him from the torment of the grave and the terrible moments of the apocalypse
If the 9th – 10th – 11th verses of the Friday Surah are read 3 times between the sala and adhan on Friday, you will receive halal money within that week.
Whoever recites 80 salawats on Friday, his sins of 80 years will be forgiven.[Dare Kutni]
How Friday Prayers Are Performed:
Khutbah: Before the prayer begins, the imam delivers a sermon in two parts. The first part usually focuses on religious teachings, while the second may address community issues or offer spiritual advice.
Two Rakat of Jumu’ah Prayer: After the sermon, the congregation stands for two units (rakats) of prayer, which are performed in congregation.
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